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installation feedback

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:41 pm
by philten
First, many thanks to Dave for this very promising application I just discovered
and installed to test it. It seem a great work !

I installed version : 1.12.2/b

The installation want fairly well on my Amazon EC2 Debian 5 64 bits and I am now ready
to test freenats :)

However, I would like to share a few details I suggest to add to the documentation,
in the install procedure:
(I had to search the source to find answers)

1. A list of required package, my box was missing gd. No graph displayed.
update: I had to install curl and php5-curl also for the web test to work.

2. To run firstrun.php succesfully, I had to create manually mysql database "freenats" (no obvious error displayed)

3. A little source code issue ("o" and "d" interverted) in "ndoedata":

Notice: Undefined variable: ndoedata in /var/www/history.test.php on line 74

4. On Debian, Apache2 directory "/icons" (for the default site) has an alias defined by default,
it must be disabled for feenats icons to be displayed correctly.

I will provide more feedback later...

Thanks again !


Re: installation feedback

Posted: Sat Apr 16, 2011 7:58 pm
by dave
Hi Phil,

Thanks for your feedback - I'll update the installation docs when I get a chance and fix that code typo.

I'll also probably add the option to the setup to try and create the database as well.

Thanks again and any more feedback very welcome!



Re: installation feedback

Posted: Mon Apr 18, 2011 7:28 am
by philten
nodeside tests work great ! (linux flavor)

I intend to add some customs nodeside tests, if I am correct, I simply
need to add a call to your function "$Node->AddTest()" with my datas.
Again, great design :)

I add I noticed this message :

Errors detected on page: Reported Ok

at the bottom of page


I wonder what it means ?


Re: installation feedback

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2011 8:29 pm
by dave

Yes you are correct $Node->AddTest( name, description, value, level ) will work where:

name - the unique identifer for that test with no spaces; must be unique for the node (eg zombies.killed.shotgun)
description - the textual description of the test (eg "Zombies Killed With Shotgun")
value - the actual value, the result
level - the suggested alert level for this test, will be only used if simple evaluation is used otherwise the custom evaluators will determine the level

Level is:

-1 = untested
0 = Passed
1 = Warning
2 = Failed

In the other post I explained the "Errors Reported" - it's usually screen errors for missing language elements.

